The experience of work of ANOD Ltd in the market of mechanical seals showed that the most vulnerable pump units are the support and sealing systems.
In order to solve the problems connected with the inconveniences of traditional design of pumps our specialists developed the bearing sealing block (BSB).
(BSB), the bearing sealing block is a pump unit that combines both a supporting and sealing system in one case. A simplified construction looks like a double mechanical seal, between the stages of which in the sturdy housing are placed two thrust and two radial sliding bearings. The bearing sealing block and auxiliary lubrication and cooling system has been fully certified for it in accordance with TR CU 010/2011 and TR CU 012/2011.
BSB is produced for scheme of double sealing as well as for scheme of single sealing, it's also possible use the single scheme with protective stage (for operation on a pumped environment). Barrier liquid lubricates and cools the bearings and sealings. For cooling of barrier liquid for the double scheme there uses auxiliary system of barrier liquid which is similar with the used one for the mechanical seal.
BSB is supplied in maximum installation readiness, the installation and fastening are performed on existing seats.
The first pumps, retrofitted at the R&PC "ANOD", have been operated without overhaul since 1997, power consumption being reduced and pump vibroacoustic characteristics improved.