Considerable part of the pump equipment, being nowadays in operation in heating plants, was produced decades ago. Nowadays it becomes out-of-date and cannot meet the requirements related to the issues of desirable simplification of maintenance and repair works, increased service and overhaul life, improved reliability and requirements of safe operation.
To resolve these problems R&PC ANOD has designed new generation of pump units 5-ANGK (5-АНГК) with increased failure-free service life in hard operation conditions. This achievement has become possible due to many years` experience in design and use of mechanical seals and contemporary state-of-art development in the area of ultrahard materials. Differential characteristic of the 5-ANGK (5-АНГК) pumps is application of plain bearings basing on new design and technology solutions involving ultrahard materials and the use of mechanical seals. The design of pumps equipped with the means of control and instrumentation provides monitoring of the pump unit during its operation, prevents and completely excludes leakage of the pumped fluid into atmosphere. Approved design solutions work effectively for both overhung and between-bearing pump types which can be made with autonomous cooling circuit and cooling by the pumped media.
Nowadays along with development and production of new types of designed pump equipment units, there are also modified overhung and between-bearing pumps being still in operation; those are: Ks 125-140, KsV 125-140, Ks 80-155, KsV 125-55, KsV 200-130, KsV 320-160, KsV 500-85, KsV 500-150, SE 1250-70, SE 2500-60, SE 2500-180. Proof run of the technical solutions was carried out as for the pumps installed in heating plants so for the pumps installed at petrochemical and chemical enterprises. Since 2002, modified pumps Ks and KsV are intensively useed in heating plants. The pumps operate effectively in Kazan, Sterlitamak, Voronezh, Omsk, Minusinsk heat stations as well as stations in Nizhny Novgorod. Total operation running time is more than 1 mln. hours. Operation of the modified pump units with plain bearings has proved the following:
Positive operation results of the pump units with radically new design of plain bearings with mechanical seals demonstrate by now the possibility of two-times enlargement of failure-free service life, reduction of maintenance cost and improvement of pump safety operation.