In 1975 an engineer Evgeny Tokarev developed a mechanical seal for ЦВН-8 circulating pump applied in РБМ-К reactor. It significantly excelled all seal models, having been known in the world by this time. USSR’s government awarded Tokarev with VDNH medal in gold and SM USSR prize. Vyacheslav Morozov, Tokarev’s colleague and soul mate, was also awarded – with the bronze VDNH medal. Those and other talented engineers were constituting the core of ANOD’s staff.
So, design criteria for mechanical seals and plain bearings, developed by Tokarev, laid a foundation of ANOD’s being one of the chief designers and manufacturers of mechanical seals in Russia.
Since its foundation, ANOD has become one of the leaders amongst seal producers, developed pump units with a bearing seal block and initiated appearance of new tendencies in control valve engineering. Operating time of the seals installed in pumps of different industries, is not less than 310 mln hours, of bearing seal blocks – more than 1 mln hours.